PUBLICATION | 7 Nov 2022

Strengthening reparations through victim participation

A new publication from Impunity Watch and INOVAS

NEW PUBLICATION ON victim participation and reparations | NEW PUBLICATION ON victim participation and reparations | PHOTO © Impunity Watch / Carlos Alonzo

A new publication from Impunity Watch and INOVAS argues that victim participation must be at the centre of any reparations effort to ensure post-conflict recovery.


Reparations are crucial for ensuring justice for victims and survivors of grave human rights violations – and yet they often fall off the agenda or do not fully meet the needs of victims. This is why victim participation must be central to any reparations effort, including through building victims’ networks to strengthen their collective voice and power to act. Based on interviews with representatives of survivors’ organisations around the world, this report provides key recommendations to improve transitional justice policy on reparations. The report is a joint publication with INOVAS, a global network of victims and survivors.

Access the full publication here.